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Mental Health Check: How To Revamp Your Mindset

Our mind is a battlefield. We are constantly bombarded with thoughts. I recently read an article from the TLEX Institute which cited the National Science Foundation statistics on the tendencies of the mind. In 2005, they published  research on the amount of human thoughts per day. It showed that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. (Neringa Antanaityte, TLEX Europe, Trainer and Consultant)

Don’t have time to read? Listen to our latest podcast about this topic.

So let’s do the math. You at least think 12,000 thoughts or more a day. That means at least 9,600 of them are negative and 9,120 of them you repeat over and over and over. Imagine if those thoughts were positive. We would make a huge impact in our brands and the world.

We all have this battle daily. What can we do to change this? Even if the change doesn’t happen overnight we can start somewhere. Here are some things I’m trying to implement in my life to revamp my mind and hopefully this can help you too.


Make a decision today that you will do an about face and combat your negative thoughts with positive ones. Whatever is pure, wholesome, lovely, brings peace,  admirable, excellent and good, CONTINUALLY think on these things. Doing this will transform and renew your mind.


Whatever or whoever is going to disturb your peace of mind, you have the right to set boundaries and limit access. Don’t accept negativity in your environment. Try to surround yourself with the right company who are solution-oriented as opposed to problem oriented.


Fear can make us think up some crazy things. There is a reason God says He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear. The Amplified version of the Bible breaks it down in a beautiful way. “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].” I don’t know about you. If God did not give me fear and timidity (not to be confused with Godly fear/respect/reverence) then I don’t want it. I want power over fear. I want love-for God, myself, others and even my enemies. I want sound judgment and personal discipline. My happy ending will be a calm well-balanced mind and self-control. If God gave it, I lay hold of it today!


Keeping negativity inside is not good for you mentally and eventually physically. Don’t be afraid to get help and talk out your issues. Now don’t go tellin’ your business to err’body. LOL! Be wise and get trusted counsel.


Pick at least one day a week where you rest and do what you love. Pray, read, and think. It helps bring mental clarity

I hope these five things can help you. You are not alone and we can overcome this together

Take out your journal and write what things you will do to revamp your mindset.

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