Win in your business and life.

Write the Vision: Planning Big Things With God

For any brand to succeed for the long range, you need a plan. Success is not sporadic and unplanned. Success is strategic. That is why the Good Book says to, “Write the vision and make it plain . . .” (Habakkuk 2:2) The vision must come out of your head and put on paper. When you do this it shows that you care about the vision and are dedicated to making that vision come to pass.

There are many definitions to strategic planning. Rather than give you a fluffy definition, let us break it down like this using our Pray, Plan, Then Make It Happen Framework (TM).


The first step to planning is spending time in prayer with God. It is in this place He will be able to guide your steps and give you strategy to accomplish your mission. Be specific in your prayers and cover all the areas of your brand. We recommend you pray over seven key areas of your business:

  1. The Brand: Pray over the mission, promise, & core values of the brand and the impact you want to have.
  2. The Operations: Pray for strategy on how to efficiently run your brand.
  3. The Finances: Pray for strategy to increase your bottom line.
  4. The Marketing: Pray for a strategy to get the word out about your brand.
  5. Professional Development: Ask God where to invest to develop your gift.
  6. Collaborations & Partnerships: Pray that you’re connected to the right people that align with what you’re doing.
  7. Work-Life Balance: Pray for strategy to keep your personal life balanced maximizing your time, relationships, and personal care, not allowing your work to take over your life.


Once you get a strategy, it’s time to create a plan for each area. Start with your big goals. Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 20 years? Remember you are creating legacy so you need to think that far out.

Now that you have your Big Goals, create your yearly plan from there. Think of these as the baby steps you will do this year to help you get closer to the Big Goals you have planned.


Finally, create an action plan using KPIs to track your progress. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. This simply means the key measurable actions you are going to take to achieve your goal. Goals without action are just that—goals. You want to bring your brand to life. Therefore, you have to take action. Here, you outline specifically what you are going to do each quarter to accomplish your goals

Assess and grow. You want to scale your brand. Be sure to assess your KPIs every quarter to see if you accomplished your goals. If you did, great. Now push to do better than last year. Don’t remain stagnant and complacent. If your goals didn’t turn out as planned, see what areas you need to improve and make it happen.

It’s just a matter of time before your brand blooms. A solid plan gives you permission to be awesome and change the world. Need resources to start preparing for the brand you always dreamed of? Visit our resource page to get what you need for any area of your brand.

You deserve a brand that looks amazing, makes money, and empowers you to change the world. We would love to help you clarify your brand. Schedule a free call with us to get started on your brand identity.

Copyright 2021, Envisi8 Creative, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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